About Us



Our mission is for each Queen Black Ice waist beads Beauty to adorn our body gems with the intention to spiritually connect with oneself and ultimately find yourself on a journey that serves you in more ways than one.

Our waist beads will definitely have you making double takes at yourself in the mirror. However, that is simply one of the benefits. Your core is our priority. You know why? Everything from within overflows to the external. Our product is uniquely meant to be adorned on your body so that when you see and touch them, you’re reminded that you are surrounded, protected and guided by YOUR higher source. When you look in the mirror, you’re reminded of how beautiful you are in your purest form- naked. We encourage doing the inner work to becoming the best version of yourself. We encourage your desire to practice self love by providing products made with love and intention, to support you along your journey.

For optimal benefits, we ask you for 3 things.

1. Be Intentional
2. Believe in the power that lies within you
3. Be Graceful with yourself on your journey.

Now that you know what our CORE mission is, here are several other benefits and uses of becoming a Queen Black Ice Beauty.

  • Positive self image
  • Tracking weight gain and/or weight loss
  • It’s a form of lingerie because it can represent sensual adornment
  • To connect with your feminine essence
  • It’s a beautiful gift idea for bridal showers, birthdays and wedding day .
  • Our collection entails beads for men that opt to wear them either on the necks, wrists or waist.

Although naturally, waist beads are particularly favored by women, Our product is for every woman, man and child. We promote self awareness, self love and ultimately, a higher connection to self. Every human being whose intentions align with our mission deserves access to Queen Black Ice waist beads in support of their journey, to help cultivate a beautiful life experience. Always remember that we are all human before any other label attached to our identity, but never forget that on a deeper level, we are all spiritual beings having a human experience. Hence, the focus of our mission is heavily based on self navigation and spirituality.

P.S-  you’d be surprised how many beautiful little girls walk around with waist beads under their garments and how many men opt to wear our beads around their necks. No matter how you choose to wear your beads, the purpose is unwavering.

P.S, P.S - If you simply love our beads because they look good, we are 100% here for that too! If we’re being honest here, we carry some of the most beautiful beads you’ve ever seen! Queen Black Ice waist beads are authentically and  aesthetically pleasing for sure.

With love, light, and a whole lotta vibes,

Queen Black Ice